Electronic O&M Manual System
Provide a web-based platform for maintaining Operation & Maintenance Manual and facilities information in a systematic and interactive way
Building performance starts at the hand-over stage which is a critical stage in a building life cycle. The availability of accurate and easily retrievable information on building systems is particularly important to the building operators during this period, as a lot of activities will happen at the same time. Problems faced by the building operators at handover stage could be largely mitigated with the use of EOMM system.
Large amount of O&M information for the building E&M systems can be properly organized and retrieved quickly through user-friendly interface,
Information can be retrieved anytime, anywhere
Uploading of information can be done in a controlled manner with detailed in-out record, ensuring only the right information is kept
Relevant information, including drawings, can easily be hyper-linked for quick reference
Statistical data can easily be compiled for reflecting status
Cost saving for Searching and Maintaining Handover Information
Accurate Status Reflection of Outstanding Items
Facilities List available before Handover
Distributed Workload for Entry of Facilities Data and Schedule
Handover Information can be migrated to Other System
Efficient building operation with sustainability achieved